All posts in Dental Implants

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Are you considering getting dental implants but have some concerns about how long they will last? Are you worried that your dental implants won't last forever or be permanent? It is worth noting that nothing actually lasts forever. It would be best if you didn’t let your anxieties or concerns over dental implants lasting forever stop you from getting this

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How Do Dental Implants Work?

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Whether it’s a failure to take proper care of their teeth, a sports injury, or one of many possible scenarios that can result in tooth decay or damage, lots of people find themselves in need of a replacement tooth. As a result, they require a dental implant to serve as a foundation for the dental prosthesis that’ll replace the lost

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Dental Implants or Bridges: Which is Better?

Dental Implants or Bridges: Which is Better?

Teeth replacements have come a long way in the past few decades and losing a tooth doesn’t cause the same dilemma it did back in the day. There are now several viable options you can turn to when you lose a tooth, and the two most popular replacements are dental implants and bridges. When deciding which tooth replacement is best

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The Pros and Cons of Dental Implants

The Pros and Cons of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a revolutionary invention that has changed the game for individuals dealing with tooth loss. These artificial roots made of titanium metal replace the root of missing teeth, and they are almost indistinguishable from natural teeth. There’s no disputing the fact that dental implants have numerous benefits, but with that said, these tooth replacements have their downsides as

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